logo-wenneke.png text since Back Móstoles History Pictures Requirements Mp3-Demos
The page "Fotografias (Pictures)" (by clicking on the image, the photo will alternate)
Text and Organ facade
Text and Organ facade
The church
The church
The page "Consola" (Console HW 4)
On the right you see the console for Hauptwerk, version 5. The small squares above the pedals indicate which key is activated.
The five small doors above the manuals move in conjunction with the swell pedal.
The virtual console for HW 5
The virtual console for HW 5
The page "Registros" (Stops)
Stop panel
Stop panel

On the left you will see the representation of the stop knobs and combination pistons.
The knobs outlined in blue have been added for Hauptwerk users.
The knobs outlined in pink are playing aids such as couplers and the tremulant.
Please Note: the coupler Organo Expresivo to Organo Mayor has been added for Hauptwerk users with a two manual console. Drawing this coupler automatically deactivates manual I.
The gold coloured area labelled C5 indicates which combination piston was last pushed.
The page "Aire" (Wind)

On the right you will see the virtual representation of the wind supply. In addition you will see the buttons that control the key and stop-action sounds. (Tirantes sonido = Stop action sounds and Teclados sonido = Key action sounds)
Underneath you can see two images of the bellows. We have made use here of actual video footage so that one sees the actual movement of the bellows.
Both bellows are spring loaded wedge-bellows with the one for the Organo Expresivo being mounted upside down.
  Hauptwerk.nl is an initiative from Sygsoft Holland. KvK 93602855. Last updated 2024-06-01