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September 2022 we have recorded for Hauptwerk the van Vulpen organ of the Hoflaankerk at Rotterdam.
This organ built 1966 has 26 stops on 3 manuals and pedal.
Now available

More info: The van Vulpen organ of the Hoflaankerk
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The organfront

October 27 2022 we have recorded for Hauptwerk the positif of the Basiliek St. Jan at Oosterhout the Netherlands.
This organ built 1977 has 10 stops on 2 manuals and pedal.
Now available

More info: The Verschueren positif at Oosterhout
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The organfront

In october 2021 we have recorded for Hauptwerk the Thomas main organ of the Grote kerk at Vianen.
This neo-baroque organ built 2010 has 27 stops on 2 manuals and pedal.
Now available

More info: The Thomas organ of Vianen
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The organfront

In october 2019 we have recorded for Hauptwerk the Pieter Backer orgel of the Bonifaciuskerk at Medemblik.
This baroque organ from 1671 has 24 stops on 3 manuals and pedal.
Now available

More info: The Pieter Backer organ of Medemblik
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The organfront

In october 2018 we have recorded for Hauptwerk the Flentrop organ of the "Grote of Sint Janskerk at Schiedam".
This neobarok organ built 1975 has 40 stop on 3 manuals and pedals.
Now available

More info: The Flentrop organ of the Grote of Sint Janskerk at Schiedam
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The organfront

In december 2017 we have recorded for Hauptwerk the main organ of the Laurentius & Elisabeth Kathedraal in Rotterdam.
This symfoninical organ built 1923 has 43 stops on 3 manuals and pedals.
Now available

More info: The Elbertse organ of the Laurentius and Elisabeth Cathedral Rotterdam
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The organfront

For enthusiasts we have made a new sampleset using sample material from several of our sample sets with 60 ranks divided into 4 manuals and pedals.
Now available

More info: Composition organ
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3 Organs

In Februari of 2014, we recorded the Bätz organ of the "Oude Kerk" in Zeist.
This organ built 1843 has 23 stops on 2 manuals and pedals.
Now available

More info: The Bätz organ of Zeist
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Interior of the church
Picture Willem den Boer H.I. Ambacht

In Januari of 2014, we recorded the Pels & van Leeuwen positiv of the "Grote of Catharijne kerk" in Heusden.
This organ built 1990 has 6 stops on 1 manuaal and fixed pedals.
For Hauptwerk we have added a Subbas 16' on the pedals.
Now available

Note: This sample set can be properly used with the free version of Hauptwerk.

More info: The Pels & van Leeuwen positif of the Catharijnekerk in Heusden
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The organfront

In Januari of 2014, we recorded the Lohman organ of the "Grote of Catharijne kerk" in Heusden.
This well known organ built 1824/1828 has 29 stops on 2 manuals and pedals.
Now available

More info: The Lohman organ of the Catharijne church in Heusden
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The organfront
Collection Service for Cultural Heritage, Amersfoort, property no. 400.264

Now available the sample set of the Steendam-organ of the Eben Haëzer-church of Apeldoorn.

More info: The Steendam-ogan of the Eben Haëzer-church of Apeldoorn.
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The organfront

Now available the sample set of the Choir organ in the Petrus church of Leens the province of Groningen

More info: The choir organ of Leens
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The organfront

In May of 2010, we recorded the organ of "La Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción" in Móstoles (a suburb of Madrid, Spain) for Hauptwerk.
This organ of 21 stops, divided over 2 manuals and pedal along with a third coupling manual, was built by the organ builter Eppo Rynko Ottes who is originally from the Netherlands.
The organ is now available.
More info: The Ottes organ of Móstoles
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The organfront

Now available the sample set of the Eekman de Mare orgel of Midwolde in the province of Groningen

More info: The Eekman de Mare orgel of Midwolde
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The organfront

Now available the sample set of the Bamboo organ of Roeselare Belgium

More info: Bamoo organ Roeselare
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The organfront

Now available the sample set of the van Oeckelen organ of Wirdum in de province of Groningen.

Petrus van Oeckelen (1792-1878) can with confidence be called an exceptional figure; he was successful, unafraid of commercial or musical adventure, and of a perseverant nature. He moved to the province of Groningen and managed to win himself a place in the musical life of the city of Groningen. Both in quantity and quality Van Oeckelen belongs to the greatest organ builters in the 19th century. Although his work, just as that of many of his contemporaries, has often been looked down upon, it is now receiving more appreciation. His instruments have proven their solidity during the last 150 years, and the sound also offers much for the ear to appreciate; in particular the Viola di Gamba, one of the specialties of the house, has been widely praised.
The organ of Wirdum is a typical example of a Dutch village organ, though small, yet beautiful. It can be perfectly used as a practice instrument, on which "smaller organ literature" from e.g. C. PH. E. Bach, Mozart, F.X. Schnizer can be performed with very satisfactory sound results. The reverb is not too long and underlines the intimate atmosphere of a "village organ".
More information: van Oeckelen Wirdum

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On March 20, 21 and 22, 2009, the annual Musicora was held in the Louvre museum in Paris.

Again this year, the French representative of Hauptwerk EMA, Marc Adamczewski and associates set up a booth at this exhibition with two Hoffrichter consoles and one Hoffrichter electronic organ.
The booth attracted much attention and apparently many of the visitors were totally unacquainted with Hauptwerk and were very surprised by its quality and possibilities.

EMA has of late begun to act as a representative for the most recent Sygsoft sample sets and these were also available at Musicora to be heard and played.
Much appreciation was shown for the Haringe sample set, probably because this organ from Flanders is a good match for the French taste in organs.
Below are shown some images surrounding the EMA booth.
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On February 14, 2009, in the Grote Kerk in Vollenhove, an anniversary concert took place in honour of the director and composer, Johan Bredewout who, during the 25 years from 1984 to 2009, led the Christian Mixed Choir "De Zeeklank".

Specially assembled for this event was the orchestra, "The Friends of Johan" consisting of:
Organ: Harm Hoeve (on the Hoffrichter console) and Martin Zonnenberg (on the Bosch Schnitger organ)
Piano: Andre van Vliet
Flute: Jacques Marcus and Marjolein de Wit
Oboe: Anja van der Maten and Yta van der Zwaag
Percussion: Mark Wester

The overall direction was under the leadership of Johan Bredewout.
Approximately 650 visitors were in attendance.
Because the famous organ in this church is too far away from the choir and is tuned too high, use was made of a 4 manual Hoffrichter console with its attendant computer and sound system made freely available by H-S Muziekinstrumenten of Vollenhove.
Hauptwerk Version 3.20 was installed on the computer and use was made of the sample set of the Hinz organ of Leens in Groningen made available through Sygsoft Holland.
Of this very successful musical evening, beautiful photos were made by Peter de Weerdt mail to Peter de Weerdt mail to Peter de Weerdt
Below you will find a small sample of the photos taken by him and of special interest to Hauptwerk users.

The complete collection may be viewed at Concert de Zeeklank 14 February 2009.

Or take a look at the website Peter de Weerdt for the remainder of his work.
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  Hauptwerk.nl is an initiative from Sygsoft Holland. KvK 93602855. Last updated 2024-06-01