logo-wenneke.png text since Retour Cembalo Eenum Krewerd de Boezemkerk Leens Leens Positif Haringe Oosterwijtwerd Wirdum Roeselare Midwolde Mostoles Steendam Apeldoorn Lohman Heusden Pels en van Leeuwen Bätz Zeist Composition organ Laurentius Rotterdam Grote kerk Schiedam Backer Medemblik Thomas Vianen Verschueren Oosterhout Hoflaankerk Rotterdam van Eeken Hoog Blokland
Under construction!

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The van Eeken organ of Hoogblokland
Picture Janco Schout

7 oktober 2022 we have recorded the van Eeken organ at the Hervormde kerk of Hoogblokland (Gemeente Molenlanden Z.H.) for Hauptwerk.
Short history of the organ:

Windpressure is 55 mm.

The sample set of this organ for Hauptwerk in not yet available.
September 2022 we recorded the van Vulpen orgel of the de Hoflaankerk at Rotterdam for Hauptwerk.
Short history of the organ:

The current organ in the church was built in 1966 by Van Vulpen.
The consultant during the construction was Piet van den Kerkhoff. The organ was put into use on September 21, 1966 with a performance by Piet van den Kerkhoff and the organist of the Hoflaan Church, Adriaan Verhoef. The architect Cornelis Elffers designed the organ case.

This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.

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The van Vulpen organ of the Hoflaankerk at Rotterdam

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Het Verschueren koororgel van Oosterhout

27 october 2023 we recorded the Verschueren positif of the Basiliek St. Jan at Oosterhout the Netherland for Hauptwerk.
Short history of the organ:

L. Verschueren Orgelbouw from Heythuysen built 1977 a new positif for the Basiliek St. Jan at Oosterhout.
Windpressure is 70 mm WC. (2 ¾ inch WC)

The sampleset of this organ for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher can be downloaded for free.
See the download details on our download page.

In Oktober 2021, we recorded the Thomas mainorgan of the Grote kerk at Vianen opgenomen for Hauptwerk.
Short history of the organ:

1803: Abraham Meere from Utrecht built an organ above the pulpit. It was probably the first organ of this church.
1953/1956: Willem van Leeuwen from Leiderdorp made a new interior for this organ in the old case under the advice of Lambert Erné.
2010: Reconstruction in the organ case of Abraham Meere, 1803 Performed by Manufacture d'Orgue Thomas (Belgium). Organ expert : Aart van Beek.

This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.

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The Thomas organ of Vianen

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The Pieter Backer organ of Medemblik

In Oktober 2019, we recorded the Pieter Backer organ of the Bonifaciuschurch of Medemblik for Hauptwerk.
Short history of the organ:

Pieter Backer built - 1671
Chr. Bätz positif - 1785
J.H. Overdiek displacement - 1859
L. van Dam & Zn. recovery/modification - 1863
Flentrop Orgelbouw conservation recovery - 1966
Flentrop Orgelbouw restauration - 1989-2000

This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.
In October 2018, we recorded the Flentrop main organ of the "Grote of Sint-Janskerk" of Schiedam for Hauptwerk.
In 1971 Flentrop Orgelbouw B.V. in Zaandam given the order to build a new organ in the old Niehoff case (16th century) and the pedal cases of Jacob Cools (1712), in which Standaart built a pneumatic organ in 1919.
What remained of the old pipework was reused during the rebuilding. The instrument was delivered in 1975.
The organ has 39 voices divided over 3 keyboards and pedal.
In 2014, an offer was made to expand the organ with a 4th manual as swell. They have not (yet) been able to free up resources, but Sygsoft has added, with use samples of an other sampleset, this swell work approximately as it was indicated in the quotation. This way you can still imagine how it might have sounded or might start to sound in the future.

This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.

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The Flentrop organ of Schiedam

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The Laurentius organ of Rotterdam
Picture Hans Kleene

We recorded the main organ of the Laurentius and Elisabeth Cathedral of Rotterdam in december 2017.
The organ is build 1923 by 'Vereenigde Kerkorgelfabrieken J.J. Elbertse te Aalten'.
The organ has 43 stops, 3 manuals and pedals.
As usual, the sample set was produced using multi-release technology on all ranks.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.
For enthusiasts we have made a new sampleset using sample material from several of our sample sets with 60 ranks divided into 4 manuals and pedals. This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.

More info: Composition organ
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3 Organs

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The Bätz organ of Zeist
Picture Willem den Boer H.I. Ambacht

We recorded the Bätz organ in the Oude Kerk of Zeist in the province Utrecht februari 2014.
This well-known organ built 1843 has 23 stops, 2 manuals en pedals.
As usual, the sample set was produced using multi-release technology on all ranks.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.
We recorded the Pels & van Leeuwen positif organ of the "Grote of Catharijnekerk" in Heusden (North Brabant) in January 2014.
This organ was built in 1990 and has 6 stops on one manual and fixed pedals.
For Hauptwerk we have added a Subbas 16' on the pedals.

Note: This sample set can be properly used with the free version of Hauptwerk.

We have planned to make an ODF to join the Pels & van Leeuwen organ to the Lohman organ (using a fake 3th manual). So you can play both organs from one console.

This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.
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In the foreground, the choir organ

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The Lohman organ front
Collection Service for Cultural Heritage, Amersfoort, property no. 400.264

We recorded the Lohman organ of the "Grote of Catharijnekerk" in Heusden (North Brabant) in January 2014.
This well-known Lohman organ was built between 1824 and 1828 and has 29 stops, 36 ranks, 2 manuals and pedal.
As usual, the sample set was produced using multi-release technology on all ranks.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher..

During October of 2012, we recorded the Steendam organ in the Eben Haëzer-kerk in Apeldoorn for Hauptwerk.
This organ has 2 manuals and an independent pedal.
The organ has 31 ranks, a few of which have not (yet) been installed. For the purposes of Hauptwerk we have supplied the missing ranks as much as possible.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.

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The organ front

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The organs of Leens

October 2007 we have recorded the Hinsz-organ of the Petruskerk at Leens in the province of Groningen.
The well-known Hinsz-organ built 1733/34 has 27 stops on 2 manuals and pedals.
The sampleset is available with the use of multi-release technology on all stops.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.
October 2007 we have also recorded the choir organ of the Petruskerk at Leens.
This organ has 1 manual and fixed pedals and has 5 1/2 ranks.
The sampleset is available with the use of multi-release technology on all stops.
For Hauptwerk we have added the Bourdon 16' from the Hinsz organ and a pedal-manual coupler.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.

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The choir organ

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Front van Peteghem organ Haringe 1778

September 2007 we have recorded the van Peteghem-organ of Haringe (Belgium). This organ is without a doubt the most well-known 18th century organ in Flandre. It has 27 stops on 2 manuals and an "echowerk". It has a fixed "boxpedal" but we made an extended version with (almost) all the stops independent on a complete pedalboard.
The organ has 2 different tremulants but only the "Tramblant douce" is usable and works on all stops.
The sample set is available with the use of multi-release technology on all stops.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.
You can download for free our Harpsichord both for Hauptwerk 1 and Hauptwerk 4.
Both versions are recorded with the same equipment and sound nearly the same. In Hauptwerk 2 you have the possibility to use different tuning-systems.
New: The harpsichord is newly recorded with a resolution of 24 bits and a samplerate of 96 kHz.
To make a pedalboard complete we have added 7 notes from MIDI note 24 C upto MIDI note 30 Fis.
You can order this version for the price of 19 Euro (excluding shipping).

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Free Sygsoft harpsichord 1981

A project in cooperation with the Stichting Oude Groninger Kerken (and the Local Organcommitee) is recording a few of her monumental organs. Already recorded and available is the Arp Schnitger-orgel from Eenum. This instrument has 10 stops on 1 manual and fixed coupled pedals.
Click at the picture for more information.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.

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Organfront Arp Schnitger-orgel Eenum 1704

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Organfront of the organ of Krewerd 1531

Also recorded and available is the very interresting organ of the church of Krewerd. This instrument build by an unknown builder in 1531 has 6 1/2 stop on 1 manual and fixed coupled pedals.
Click at the picture for more information.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.
The third item from the project with the Stichting Oude Groninger Kerken is recording the organ of the Maria-church of Oosterwijtwerd. This instrument, originally built as a cabinet organ by Christian Müller in 1741 has 6 stops on one manual with 13 fixed pedals.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher..
Download the version for Hauptwerk 4 for free on www.hauptwerk.com

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Organfront Chr. Müller Oosterwijtwerd 1741

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Organ front van Leeuwen organ Bolnes 1959

On 8, 9 15 januari 2007 we have recorded the van Leeuwen organ in the Boezemkerk Bolnes (belongs to the city of Ridderkerk near Rotterdam).
This instrument, built in 1959, has 18 stops on 2 manuals and pedals.
The samples are recorded in 24 bit 96 kHz. We have recorded 3 samples per pipe to make the sample set so called "multi release" with means a very short sample for the staccato notes, a short sample for the portato notes and finaly a normal sample for long notes.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.
The fourth item from the project with the Stichting Oude Groninger Kerken is recording the organ of the organ of the former Hervormde kerk in Wirdum. This organ in built 1879 by P. van Oeckelen gebouwde and has 6 1/2 stop on one manual with 27 fixed pedals.
On the pedals we have added the Bourdon 16' from the sampleset of Haringe.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.

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Front van Oeckelen orgel Wirdum

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Front Bamboe orgel Roeselare 1995

End of augustus 2009 we have recorded the bamboo organ of the Protestant community of Roeselare Belgium.
This instrument is built 1995 and have 10 stops on 3 manuals and pedals.
The samples are recorded in 24 bit 96 kHz. We have recorded 3 samples per pipe to make the sample set so called "multi release" with means a very short sample for the staccato notes, a short sample for the portato notes and finaly a normal sample for long notes.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.
The fifth item from the project with the Stichting Oude Groninger Kerken is recording the organ of the Eekman de Mare organ orgel in Midwolde. The organ of Midwolde was originally a house organ built by Levijn Eekman and in 1660 made available for the church. The organ has 6 ranks on 1 manual and no pedals.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.

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Front Eekman de Mare orgel

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Front of the Ottes organ in Móstoles, 2004

In May of 2010, we recorded the organ of "La Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción" in Móstoles (a suburb of Madrid, Spain)
for Hauptwerk. This organ of 21 stops, divided over 2 manuals and pedal along with a third coupling manual, was built by the organ builder Eppo Rynke Ottes who is originally from the Netherlands.
The samples were recorded in 24 bits, 96 kHz. with six microphones: 2 x Neumann, 2 x Røde and 2 x AKG.
Again we recorded three samples for each pipe so that we can make the sample set "multi release" meaning: a very short sample for the staccato notes, a short sample for the portamento notes and finally, a normal sample for the longer notes.
This organ is available for Hauptwerk version 5 or higher.
Corrections by John Coenraads®.
  Hauptwerk.nl is an initiative from Sygsoft Holland. KvK 93602855. Last updated 2024-06-01