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The organ of Hinsz


The organ in the Petruschurch of Leens has been built by the organbuilder Albertus Anthoni Hinsz in 1733/1734 on request of Anna Habina Lewe, douairière Van Starkenborg and patron of the vicary of the Church of Leens. The lady "Vrouwe van Verhildersum" was a widow of "Edzard Jacob Tjarda van Starkenborg". As the sole patron she managed all the properties of the church and she was able to decide by herself to order an organ by Hinsz.
This was the second large organ that Hinsz built. The first 2 keyboard instrument had been made by Hinsz for Zandeweer in 1730/1731. The very first organ built by Hinsz in his successful organ building career was the Rückpositiv of the Schnitger-organ in the large Martinikerk in Gronigen (1729/1730). Hinsz based the construction of the Rückpositiv for Leens on the Rückpositiv of the organ made by Frans Caspar Schnitger in Zwolle. The sculptures and carvings on the organ are attributed to Theodorus van der Haven (wingdecorations?) and Caspar Struiwig the other parts. He often used this design afterwards as a concept for other organ projects.

Particulars of this organ:
The organ is equal tuned on a' = 461 Hz. measured 3-10-2007 on the Prestant 4' at 14° Celsius or 57.2° Fahrenheit.
The action is completely mechanical.
The windpressure is 71 mm or 2.8 inch wc
The specification is as follows:

Great: C to c '''
Prestant 8 ft
Quintadeen 16 ft
Roerfluit 8 ft
Speelfluit 4 ft
Octaaf 4 ft
Quint 3 ft
Octaaf 2 ft
Mixtuur 4-5-6 st
Vox Humana 8 ft
Trompet 8 ft
Positiv: C to c '''
Prestant 4 ft
Fluit does 8 ft
Holpijp 4 ft
Nasard 3 ft
Octaaf 2 ft
Quint 1 1/3 ft
Sexquialter 2 st
Scherp 4 st
Dulciaan 8 ft
Pedals C ' to d '
Prestant 8 ft
Bourdon 16 ft
Roerquint 6 ft
Octaaf 4 ft
Mixtuur 4-5-6 st
Bazuin 16 ft
Trompet 8 ft
Cornet 2 ft
Coupler HW-RW
Coupler HW-Ped
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