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The Lohman organ
Collection Service for Cultural Heritage, Amersfoort, property no. 400.264

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Picture Rien van Binnendijk

1. The Lohman organ (1824/1828):

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The Church in 1919
Collection Eef van der Lee www.hvdol.nl

Until 1944, an organ with Hoofdwerk, Rugpositief and Pedaal stood in Catharijne Church. Built in 1840 by C.F.A. Naber from Deventer, it was lost in 1944 when the tower collapsed as a result of war.
After using a "temporary organ" from the firm Valckx & Van Kouteren for more than 35 years, the Reformed Church, in December 1980, bought the organ from the former Broederenkerk in Zutphen. This organ was built between 1824 and 1828 by N.A. Lohman & Son and made use of the organ, placed there by AFG Heijneman, from the former Sint-Janskerk in Arnhem. The instrument originated in Huijse Schaffelaar in Barneveld.
The starting point for the design of the organ front in 1824 was the Lohman organ at Eenrum (Gr.).
In 1894 the organ was cleaned and restored by J.F. Witte, and, amongst other work, the case was repainted, pipework was restored and some were provided with tuning cutouts (expressions). In 1938 the firm J.C. Sanders & Son carried out a restoration which included electrification of the pedal action and expansion of the Rugpositief. The dismantling in Zutphen and restoration and reconstruction in Heusden was carried out by Orgelmakerij Gebr.Reil Heerde, under the advice of Drs. J.J. van der Harst. The organ, as it was in 1828, was used as a starting point. Meanwhile the case was made about 1 m shallower.
The drawknobs installed by Sanders were replaced by Naber stop knobs, from the organ in the Alkmaar Sint Laurens Church. The carving around the feet and of the wings was redone, as well as the pinnacle. On Saturday, September 22, 1984 the organ in Heusden was officially inaugurated.

Text: Gerco Schaap, editor of the monthly De Orgelvriend.
2. Restoration 2007:
In 1984, the company Reil restored the Lohman organ, which originated in the Broederenkerk in Zutphen and was moved to Heusden.
In the following years, the instrument was not well maintained and a movement began to restore the organ thoroughly.
Peter van Dijk was hired as a consultant on behalf of the Commission Organ Affairs of the PKN.
The local church stewards established the Commission for Organ Restoration, which included organists among its representatives.
In consultation with Peter van Dijk a recovery plan was established, after which tenders were prepared by a number of organ builders. The contract was awarded to the firm of Reil. The work included cleaning the interior and the organ pipes, repairing chests, checking all pipes, revoicing where necessary, and tuning of the entire instrument.
The voicing was reviewed by Wim Wagenaar, who had done this work in 1984! In the spring of 2007 the job was completed and advisor Peter van Dijk provided a festive inauguration on 26 May.
Reil has regained the responsibility for maintenance of this organ!
3. The Great or Catharijnekerk:

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Work on the church in 1952

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The Great or St. Catharijnekerk Heusden
Collection Service for Cultural Heritage, Amersfoort, property no. 51.518

Oudheusden has been inhabited since the 8th century. At that time, there was mention of a fortified place, a "Castle," at the Oude Maasje. This castle, which bore the name 'Nieuwenrooy', stood on the site where the current public school 'Nieuwenrooy', was built.
The church of Oudheusden after being destroyed several times since the French period was not rebuilt. Because the course of the Meuse is increasingly shifting northward, it already created in the 12th century the need to build a fortified place elsewhere.
In the immediate vicinity of the castle the fortified town of Heusden established itself over the centuries. Already in the year 1210, mention is made of a church in Heusden. What the church looked like is not known. What was left, namely the tower built in Romanesque style, was destroyed in 1944. In 1328 the church was extended with a north and south aisle. There was also a choir in Gothic style.
In 1555 a transept replaced the north aisle and three bays were constructed in alternating layers of brick and stone. Here we still find decorations in Gothic style.
A city-wide fire in 1572 destroyed large parts of the church. Starting in 1579 a thorough restoration ensued.
The side choir, probably built in 1412, was torn down in 1628. The location of this side choir is still visible in the masonry. In the years 1637-1639 the choir was renewed.
The tower was blown up during the nights of November 4 to 5, 1944 by retreating German troops. The western part of the church was also destroyed. After the war, the church, on its west side, was closed in and restored. The tower, the western chapels and the devastated bays were not rebuilt.
The circumference of the foundation is visible in the pavement. In the church one can find, in addition to beautiful gravestones and signs from the 16th and 17th centuries, bells from 1334, 1501 and 1518. A bell from 1412 now hangs in the turret.
The mausoleum of the Baron Van Friesheim, Governor of Heusden from 1711-1733, dates from 1733 and is very beautiful. The design of this tomb is by Jacob Marot and the sculptor was Jan Baptist Xaverij.

Tekst: Protestant Municipality of Heusden.
4. The disposition: ( + added for Hauptwerk.)
Manual I: Hoofdwerk
C-f''' (Hauptwerk g''')
Manual II: Rugpositief
C-f''' (Hauptwerk g''')
Pedals: C-d' (Hauptwerk f') Playing Aids:
03-Viola di Gamba
10-Vox Humana
3' (2 2/3')
4 Ranks
8' B/D
3 - 4 Ranks
8' B/D
16' +
4' +
8' Bas + Disc.
2 Ranks
8' B/D
2 2/3' +
2' +
6' (5 1/3')
Coupler Pedal - Hoofdwerk
Coupler Pedal - Rugpositief
Manual coupler
Tremulant Hoofdwerk +
Tremulant Rupositief
Calcant (Motor switch)
Shutoff Hoofdwerk (not in Hauptwerk)
Shutoff Rugwerk (not in Hauptwerk)
Shutoff Pedaal (not in Hauptwerk)
5. Technical information:
Wind pressure: 70 mm
Tuning: a' = ca. 435 Hz. (Hauptwerk 428,4 Hz.)
Temperament: Werckmeister III. (Of course in Hauptwerk this can be switched to equal temperament or another temperament)

Tremulant Hoofdwerk: +
This tremulant works on most voices of the Hoofdwerk. With the exception of the Bourdon 16' and Mixtuur, all voices were recorded in full. But let it be noted that the Flute 4' and the Trumpet 16' are not present on the real organ.
Tremulant Rugpositief:
This tremulant works on the Rugpositief. Only the Praestant 8' disc. and Dulciaan 8' were recorded. Hauptwerk provides a tremulant for the remaining voices (see following commentary).
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Virtual console
6. Details:
6A. 3 Channel technique:
This sample set was recorded from three positions in stereo (24 bit 96kHz).
The set comes with a Sygsoft devised 3-channel technique whereby the user may set the listening position themselves.
There are 3 positions, namely :
1: Front, recorded very close to the organ. This provides a very direct recording that is useful for study purposes.
2: Centre (Middle), this recording was made at about 3 times the distance used in the front recording.
3: Rear, recorded far from the organ is used as surround.
Through three sliders (0-100%), a mix can be made of the three positions that is to your liking.

The 4th slider (with the caption "RP") is definitely not a swell pedal but a volume control for the entire Rugpositief. Using the button "Volume - RP Reset" switches it back to the normal volume.
6B. Comments on the two tremulants:
The hoofdwerk has no tremulant; however, we were still able to record (almost) all the voices of this division with tremulant via a trick invented by the organist: by depressing some 20 keys simultaneously (without any stops drawn) on the Rugpositief, the tremulant is transmitted to the Hoofdwerk.

Unfortunately, the tremulant on the Rugpositief does not start when air consumption is low. Thus we only managed to record the Praestant 8' and the Dulciaan 8' with tremulant. To the rest we were forced to apply the "Hauptwerk" tremulant. We extracted the required waveforms by recording several three-note chords for each of the corresponding voices.
7. Finally:
The recordings for this sample set were made in January 2014.
Recording quality 96 kHz, 24 bit. The set is reduced to 48 kHz 24 bit.
Number of microphones: 6.
Number of samples processed in this set: 25,350.
Number of files in this set 25,138 in 578 folders.
Number of lines in the Organ Definition File: 1,384,362

Division of the Work:
Christian Boogaard: Noise reduction, demos and artistic advice.
Johan van der Waal van Dijk: processing of samples and technical advice.
Fred de Jong: Layout, ODF as well as customizing the website.

Thanks go to the organist Jaco van de Werken for contacts, photo work and advice,
and to Huib de Waal who as church warden was responsible for granting permission for recording.

Fred de Jong Februari 2015.
  Hauptwerk.nl is an initiative from Sygsoft Holland. KvK 93602855. Last updated 2024-06-01