1. The van Vulpen organ of the Hoflaankerk at Rotterdam:
The van Vulpen orgel of the Hoflaankerk
Photo Piet Bron
In September 2022 we recorded the van Vulpen organ of the van de Hoflaankerk in Rotterdam for Hauptwerk.
The Hoflaan Church on the corner of Hoflaan and Oudedijk is the oldest church building in the Rotterdam Kralingen district.
It was built in 1842 as a Waterstaatskerk diagonally opposite the then town hall, which was on the corner of the 's-Gravenweg and the
Kortekade was at the crossroads. The architect was Arend Roodenburg, head teacher of Architecture at the Royal Academy in The Hague.
The address of the national monument is Hoflaan 1.
The current organ in the church was built in 1966 by Van Vulpen.
The consultant during the construction was Piet van den Kerkhoff. The organ was put into use on September 21, 1966 with a performance by
Piet van den Kerkhoff and the organist of the Hoflaan Church, Adriaan Verhoef. The architect Cornelis Elffers designed the organ case.
"Source Orgbase.nl".
The console
Photo Piet Bron
2. The disposition: ( blue text: added for Hauptwerk.)
Manual I (C-f'')
(Hoofdwerk) extended for Hauptwerk to g''
Quintadeen 16'
Prestant 8'
Roerfluit 8'
Octaaf 4'
Spitsfluit 4'
Quint 2 2/3'
Octaaf 2'
Mixtuur V-VI rgs
Trompet 8'
Fagot 16'
Manual II (C-f'')
(Rugwerk) extended for Hauptwerk to g''
Holpijp 8'
Prestant 4'
Roerfluit 4'
Spitsquint 2 2/3'
Gemshoorn 2'
Nasard 1 1/3'
Sexquialter II rgs
Scherp III - IV rgs
Dulciaan 8'
Dulciaan 16'
Manual III (C-f'')
(Borstwerk) extended for Hauptwerk to g''
Gedekt 8'
Gedekte Fluit 4'
Nasard 2 2/3'
Prestant 2'
Terts 1 3/5'
Octaaf 1'
Regaal 8'
Pedals C-f'
Subbas 16'
Prestant 16'
Prestant 8'
Gedekt 8'
Roerquint 5 1/3'
Bazuin 16'
Trompet 8'
Schalmei 4'
H.W. + R.W.
H.W. + B.W.
Ped. + H.W.
Ped. + N.W.
Ped. + B.W.
3. Three channel technique:
This sample set was recorded from three positions in stereo (24 bit 96kHz).
The set comes with a Sygsoft devised 3-channel technique whereby the user may set the listening position themselves.
There are 3 positions, namely :
1: Front, recorded very close to the organ. This provides a very direct recording that is useful for study purposes.
2: Middle, this recording was made at about 3 times the distance used in the front recording.
3: Rear, recorded far from the organ is used as surround.
Through three sliders (0-100%), a mix can be made of the three positions that is to your liking.
The 4th slide operates the doors of the Borstwerk, creating a kind of a swell pedal.
A good starting point for setting the sliders is e.g. Front-Middle-Rear 25-60-100
More information see: "Systeemrequirments".
Registerpanel (extended)
The recordings for this sample set were made in september 2022.
Recording quality 96 kHz, 24 bit. The set is reduced to 48 kHz 24 bit.
Number of microphones: 8.
Number of samples processed in this set: 23.340
Number of lines in the Organ Definition File (ODF): ca. 1.528.250
Division of the Work:
Christian Boogaard: Noise reduction, windmodel, intonation, some demos and artistic advice.
Johan van der Waal van Dijk: processing of samples and technical advice.
Rietje Raatgeep: Administration and PR.
Fred de Jong: Layout, extra controle samples, loops, ODF as well as customizing the website and general management.
With thanks to the organist of the church Wouter van der Wilt and the sexton Adri Mourik for their kind cooperation.
Fred de Jong October 2023.