logo-wenneke.png text since Back Composition organ Mp3-Demos
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To play the Sygsoft virtual Composition organ you must have at least the following:
1st: To play the full version of this sample set without restrictions, you will need a modern, fast computer with at least 32 GB of RAM and, e.g. Windows 7 64 bit installed.
Obviously Hauptwerk must also be installed with the version (or higher) Advanced.
It is said that the best results are achieved using Apple-MacIntosh computers; however, we have no experience with this.
It is difficult to make exact statements about what is needed. The "mother" website hauptwerk.com provides much information about this issue.
Please note: This information applies to the newest version of Hauptwerk.
This virtual Composition organ is only as download available.
The set is not protected with the Hauptwerk Protection System via the dongle from your Hauptwerk program.
However, we are using 3 Sygsoft sample sets: Lohman Heusden, Bätz Zeist and Pels & van Leeuwen Heusden of which the first 2 are protected.
Furthermore, we are using a few ranks from the sets of Ottes Móstoles and Steendam Apeldoorn. These are included in the installation file of the Composition organ.
Below is a table of memory usage.
On other systems, these values can vary considerably!
Please note that your Operating System also requires considerable memory. This sample set is a heavy load for the computer. Due to the Sygsoft 3-channel system this set has as it were 180 ranks.
For users who intend to make a lot of corrections, Sygsoft offers a free program that allows you to copy all the voicing corrections made in the middle chanal in all other channels.
Table giving memory requirements for Hauptwerk. (space needed on the hard drive, appr. 6 GB)
The meaning of the columns:
A = Number of loaded channels
B = Compression applied
C = Bit rate Pipe samples
D = Multi-release pipe loaded
E = Organ cache (GB)
F = RAM usage, Operating System not included (GB)
?? = not (yet) determined
The pink part (16 bit) is acceptable.
The yellow area is the standard Hauptwerk loading mode: 16-bit compressed and multi release.
The light green area is for loading mode 16 bit, uncompressed and multi- release.
The dark green area is for loading mode 20-bit compressed and multi release.
The light blue area is the maximum possible, loading mode 24-bit uncompressed and multi release.
There are of course many more variants. E.g. pipe samples loaded at 24 bit and sounds at 16 bit, etc.
If you have questions: mail to hauptwerk.nl See also at the bottom of this page at item 5th the problems reported so far.
Definition A B C D E F
(16 bit) 1 channel loaded single release compressed 1 16 ?? ??
(16 bit) 2 channels loaded single release compressed 2 16 ?? ??
(16 bit) 3 channels loaded single release compressed 3 16 ?? ??
(16 bit) 2 channels loaded multi release compressed (Standaard Hauptwerk) 1 16 ?? ??
(16 bit) 2 channels loaded multi release compressed (Standaard Hauptwerk) 2 16 ?? ??
(16 bit) 3 channels loaded multi release compressed (Standaard Hauptwerk) 3 16 24,3 25,1
(16 bit) 1 channel loaded multi release uncompressed 1 16 ?? ??
(16 bit) 2 channels loaded multi release uncompressed 2 16 ?? ??
(16 bit) 3 channels loaded multi release uncompressed 3 16 ?? ??
Definition A B C D E F
(20 bit) 1 channel loaded multi release compressed 1 20 ?? ??
(20 bit) 2 channels loaded multi release compressed 2 20 ?? ??
(20 bit) 3 channels loaded multi release compressed 3 20 ?? 40
(20 bit) 1 channel loaded multi release uncompressed 1 20 ?? ??
(20 bit) 2 channels loaded multi release uncompressed 2 20 ?? ??
(20 bit) 3 channels loaded multi release uncompressed 3 20 ?? ??
Definition A B C D E F
(24 bit) 1 channel loaded multi release compressed 1 24 ?? ??
(24 bit) 2 channels loaded multi release compressed 2 24 ?? ??
(24 bit) 3 channels loaded multi release compressed 3 24 ?? ??
(24 bit) 1 channel loaded multi release uncompressed 1 24 ?? ??
(24 bit) 2 channels loaded multi release uncompressed 2 24 ?? ??
(24 bit) 3 channels loaded multi release uncompressed 3 24 ?? ??
Definition A B C D E F
2nd: A good sound card inside or connected to the computer. For more information, visit: Hauptwerk.com. The sound card can, in many cases, also provided the MIDI connection between the keyboards and the computer.

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Fore keyboards and a (possibly 30 note) pedal or of course a complete electronic organ with MIDI output.
Beautiful consoles specifically for use with Hauptwerk are commercially available.
In the Netherlands you can go for example to
Noorlander Orgelmakerij
Bovenschen Virtual Organs
The hobbyists among us, using electronics from, e.g. MIDI-HARDWARE or MGB can equip their own consoles with MIDI.
MIDI-HARDWARE.COM or MGB We ourselves have done this on a homemade organ with Heyligers-manuals (with WIRA hardware). The cost of conversion was less than 300 Euros and everything has been working perfectly for years.
4th: The amazing sound quality of Hauptwerk really comes into its own through very good headphones, e.g. AKG or Sennheiser. We prefer to connect the sound card to a (possibly multi-channel) audio installation. The above mentioned companies can advise you about any purchases in this area. Whatever you decide, what you must never do is listen to Hauptwerk through a built-in monitor speaker or a set of cheap computer speakers!
5th: Reported issues:
1: The Fagot 16 'of the Swell is out of tune in the discant. The cause is in the set of Bätz. Contact Sygsoft.
2: One user reports: The sound is very bad using the Wind Model. Lower the setting or switch it off will solve this. I think the processor is overloaded here. Has not really been sorted out yet.
3: The foot sizes in the disposition table on the table on "compositienl.php" are not directly behind the register names. Create the page as wide as possible to avoid this problem.
  Hauptwerk.nl is an initiative from Sygsoft Holland. KvK 93602855. Last updated 2024-06-01